Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Bugatti Tarmac Laid and Landscaping Underway


  1. I know its been a while since I posted anything about the circuit, mainly its because I've had a lot of other work on and I've also been ill. But, I thought I'd give you a little update on the bits of progress I have made.

    I have made many small tweaks and changes to the 24hr layout thanks to feedback from friends, including:

    *A full rebuild of Tetre Rouge (although it's not really noticable) which has widened the track slightly around the apex and made the runoff a lot smoother.

    *Tweaking the exit of the second Mulsanne chicane

    *Smoothing the inside camber of the right hander at Indianapolis.

    *Various tweaks to the circuit through the Porsche curves

    And the main update is my progress with the Bugatti Circuit. I have now finalised the tarmac for the full Bugatti loop and am happy with the initial layout (camber, corners, inclines etc).

    Thats it for now but, I will continue to add the landscaping to this area as and when I have time.

  2. Great work mate. Keep it up :)
